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About the Artist

My Story

I am a visual artist based in Cork, Ireland.  I graduated from Crawford College of Art & Design in 2015 with a BA Honours in Fine Art.  I work as a professional artist and I am also a mom of two. My studio is based at my home in a rural village where I am surrounded by fields & trees. 

My Work and Inspiration

My main medium is collage/mixed media however I began to explore the medium of embroidery during the pandemic.  Limited access to my studio during this time led me to explore a new skill that would allow me juggle the challenges of childcare and home-schooling while still maintaining my art practice outside of the studio. I began to take refuge in a medium that offered me complete freedom of expression and opened up a vast potential for exploration. Inspired by my extensive collection of found vintage imagery through a combination of embroidery and collage I am attempting to bridge the gaps of time by making something new from something old.


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